Discover the Healing Powers of IASTM

Are you feeling sore or stiff from sports, daily activities, or even a desk job? There’s an exciting solution waiting for you at Haven Chiropractic & Sports Medicine! Introducing IASTM (Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization), a modern therapy that helps heal and prevent injuries, keeping you moving smoothly and pain-free.

What is IASTM?

IASTM stands for Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization. It’s a cool way for Dr. Joseph Sullivan and their team at Haven Chiropractic & Sports Medicine, located at 2020 Hemmer Rd, Palmer, AK 99645, to help you feel better. Using special tools, they can gently fix the sore spots in muscles, tendons, ligaments, and more. This helps break down scar tissue (that’s the tough stuff that forms after an injury) and makes your muscles and tendons more flexible and happy!

How Does IASTM Work?

Imagine having little knots in a rope. IASTM is like using a smooth stick to gently untangle these knots. At Haven Chiropractic & Sports Medicine, we use cool tools like curved bars and rubber balls to press carefully on tight areas. This helps get rid of pain and swelling and makes the injured spot heal faster. Plus, it’s super quick and doesn’t hurt much, so you don’t need to worry about taking a break from your fun or work!

Why Choose IASTM at Haven Chiropractic & Sports Medicine?

  • Gentle and Effective: Unlike some treatments that can be uncomfortable, IASTM is gentle and most people find it pretty easy to handle.
  • Quick Recovery: It helps your muscles and joints recover faster so you can get back to playing, working, or just living life without pain.
  • No Surgery Needed: It’s all done from outside your body—no surgeries involved!
  • Fun Tools: We use special tools made from materials like stainless steel and silicone which are safe and feel comfortable.

What Can IASTM Treat?

Our friends at Haven Chiropractic & Sports Medicine can treat lots of different pains with IASTM, including:

  • Muscle and tendon injuries
  • Sports injuries like tennis elbow or runner’s knee
  • Stiff or frozen shoulder
  • Everyday aches like carpal tunnel syndrome from typing or sciatica from sitting too long

The Many Benefits of IASTM

  • Less Pain and Swelling: It makes you feel better by reducing pain and puffiness in the hurt area.
  • Faster Blood Flow: This helps your body heal quicker.
  • Easier Movement: You can move more freely with less stiffness.
  • Feel Good Again: Overall, it helps you feel great, play well, and sleep better.

Ready to Feel Better?

If you’re tired of dealing with pain or just want to keep your body in top shape, come visit us at Haven Chiropractic & Sports Medicine. Give us a call at (907) 746-4263 to set up an appointment. Our friendly team is ready to help you heal and feel amazing with the help of IASTM. Get ready to say goodbye to pain and hello to a happier, healthier you!

picture of IASTM

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